Naturally Increase Testosterone Levels

Testosterone is a hormone that all bodybuilders strive to elevate, and keep elevated.  Testosterone is 100% necessary to build and maintain muscle mass, whereas it’s counterpart Estrogen can, and will, prevent the development of muscle mass.  In the broadest terms possible, hormonally, men are dominated by Testosterone, and women are dominated by Estrogen.  There are…

The New Year

No long post today, just a few pointers for the start to 2013 regarding New Year Resolutions. If you’re a regular gym goer, be patient.  Every year, the month of January turns the gym into a mad house;  What’s especially frustrating is watching people take up equipment and knowing that you’ll only see them during…

Shoe Review – Fila Skeletoes

It was about a year and a half ago that I started hearing a lot of buzz about barefoot running.  A lot of people that adhere to a paleo lifestyle were praising them because of the supposed “natural” running they allowed for–  I just thought they made you look funny. I tried them on, though,…

Weight Lifting Footwear

Have you ever give much thought to what type of shoe you’re wearing while working out?  For weight lifting, you have a lot of different options for footwear.  Actually, you could wear almost any style of shoe, with one huge exception:  Running shoes. Running shoes are built to give support while cushioning the impact of…

Quotes and Thoughts on Deadlifts

I love deadlifts.  It is no secret. . .  When I talk to people about lifting weights or bodybuilding, at some point, I will start talking about deadlifts.  There’s a reason why I love them–  It’s not just because it is my most impressive lift, though that certainly helps.  Before I give my thoughts, here…

Making the Most of Your Cardio

When you are pushing yourself during cardio, do you ever find yourself hunching over on the machine?  Do you know what you are doing to your workout? Here’s a different question:  Why do you burn so few calories while doing the stationary bike at the gym?  Give up?  It’s because cardiovascular activity requires your largest…

Anatomy 101: Vanity Muscles

Obviously, especially to those who know what “Vanity Muscles” are, this is a joke. . .  This is not an actual anatomy lesson, but rather, one of those warnings on how to not be “that guy.” Have you ever seen someone in the gym training biceps, exclusively, for 45 minutes?  Have you talked to someone…