Multivitamins – Good or bad?

Last month, a study was reported in the Annals of Internal Medicine that reported on the efficacy of multivitamins, and it proved to be quite controversial.  To quote the physicians: “The message is simple: Most supplements do not prevent chronic disease or death, their use is not justified and they should be avoided.” Multivitamins don’t save…

Thoughts on Body Image

I follow a dessert brand on facebook, and they posted a motivational picture yesterday that drew a lot of criticism:   The criticism? Looking like the woman in this pic is likely just as unrealistic as looking like a swimsuit model, so in that sense it can be damaging Those women have trained for YEARS…

Maintaining vs. Cutting

There’s often a lot of talk about my eating habits when we go out, because I’m cutting–  I’m eating at a deficit, and am being very careful so I can lose fat.  It’s not the easiest thing to do, especially while maintaining a social life, but it’s not impossible.  Often times, during these conversations, people…

Accurate Food Measuring

I’m a big proponent of measuring everything you eat–  A lot of people think it’s annoying, but once you get the hang of it, there’s not a whole lot to it.  What’s more, once you start to understand the amount of calories in food, you find it difficult to not measure food.  More importantly, though,…

2 Secrets to a Flat Stomach

If you came here looking for a quick fix, or for a way to “cheat” the system and lose weight fast. . . You have come to the wrong place. If, however, you are looking for the way to lose fat the healthy way and keep it off, read on! I promised the 2 Secrets…