The DeVine Physiques Fad Diet

I have come up with a plan that will make me millions!  I’m going to write a book!  A fad diet book!  It’s going to be incredible, and is coming to a “Diet” section in a bookstore near you soon.  (Or maybe just in the “Diet” section of the Kindle store, or something.) Would you…

The Importance of Dietary Fat

The title of this post may seem counter intuitive to what you’ve heard, but most of what you’re told is actually wrong when it comes to dietary fat.  It’s worth noting that we’ve been planning on writing this article for sometime, but what made it a reality was this article, which we will refute at…

Vlog #1 – Our Happiness

We’ve done a few vlogs before, but this is our first joint vlog.  Enjoy!  (And be sure to watch it all the way through!) [youtube] Remember, treat people how you would love to be treated in return, and respect lifestyle choices! And on a technical note, we’re sorry about the lighting.  We swear we…

Self Discipline & Peer Pressure

“Don’t give in to peer pressure.” I’m sure we have all heard about peer pressure growing up, but the secret that adults never tell you is that peer pressure exists in adulthood too.  Being healthy, or attaining the physique you want can be a very demanding task that requires an immense amount of self discipline. …

Gluten Free Fad

Are you someone who checks the packaging of an item to see if there is gluten in what you’re eating?  If so, why are you checking?  Let’s say you’re not one of these people that checks. . .  Do you know people who do? Lately, a lot of people have been preaching about gluten free…

The Biological Machine

Have you ever thought of your body as a machine?  Have you ever thought about your body as a car? I’m a big fan of the car analogies with our body, so let’s just imagine that your body is a car;  But not just any car.  Your body is a race car. Now, what do…