Hydrostatic testing

We have in various posts gone over some of the ways to determine your body fat percentage and Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), which are essential things to know when changing your body.  All of my “working out” life I kept hearing how hydrostatic (Under water) testing is the most accurate for these specific things.  When…

Alcohol and You!

Someone asked me whether or not I drink, and I replied, “I enjoy it, and I used to, but now it just impedes on my goals, so I don’t currently.”  I gave them a brief explanation, and they didn’t really pay attention.  That’s okay, though, as they don’t have the same goals as I do,…

The Basics

I realize that, while we’ve covered a variety of topics thus far, we haven’t gone over what I consider to be, “The Basics.”  We’re going to discuss the basics of Body Building, because regardless of your goals, you need to know this–  Whether you want to build muscle, lose weight, or “tone,” everything is grounded…

Consider the Source

Once in a while (Read: Constantly), I go into a supplement store . . .  I usually know exactly what I’m getting based on exhaustive amounts of research, or simply because I ran out of something. Not pictured: The other cabinet and the Colostrum in the fridge. . . .  Once in a while, I…

Doctor of the Future. . .

The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will instruct his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease. -Thomas Edison, 1902 We apologize for the interruption of service–  Regularly scheduled blogs will return on Thursday.


This will be a short blog, but an important one none the less.  I want to remind everyone to encourage themselves and others in their environment.  It can be easy to give up or stop trying when we aren’t getting results as quickly as we might like, and that is why encouragement is so very…