K.I.S.S. – Keep it Simple, Stupid!

A lot of people have a tendency to get too crazy with not just their workout routines, but their nutrition plans and everything else in life–  I foresee it will only get worse as time goes on because of the overabundance of information out there, and the Internet makes everyone feel like what they’re saying is right, even if it’s just “BroScience.”

. . .  It’s a problem.  Don’t get me wrong–  I’m guilty of this too.  I will read about new nutritional news, workout plans, etc., and will immediately want to try it out.

There are a few things to keep in mind, though.  If your plan is working, you don’t need to change anything.  (Unless it’s something like cleaning up your diet.)  If you’re getting the results you want, there is no reason to move on to anything else unless you’re doing something considered unhealthy (or unsafe), and are moving to the better option.

More importantly, don’t complicate things–  Remember “K.I.S.S;”  “Keep it Simple, Stupid!”  This is what everyone should live by, as it’s the easiest way to lose track of the basics, and the basics are what are proven to work.

Want to try a weight training program split into 6 days where forearms and biceps have their own day, and you do 12 sets that day?  K.I.S.S.!  Full body workouts, or smaller splits are the most effective, and anything past that is insane.  Plus, if 6 time Mr. Olympia Dorian Yates says low volume training is effective, it’s worth listening.  (After a lot of research, we’ll be doing a post about low volume training soon.)

Want to try and incorporate a lot of different ideas from a lot of different fad diets to try and create your own “Super Diet”!?  K.I.S.S.!  Fad diets are set up to fail, and even if you’re going to try and follow a fad diet, only follow one.  Those things are hard enough to stick to without over complicating things.

Never been to the gym?  Is your goal to suddenly lose 100 lbs?  Do you plan on getting there with 7 days in the gym doing non stop cardio and starving yourself?  K.I.S.S.!  You’re setting yourself up to fail–  You can workout anywhere from 3 – 6 days a week and still reach any goal you have, and starving yourself is not necessary.  Keep it simple- –  A simple workout plan coupled with eating 500 calories below maintenance will make it happen at a great pace, safely.

I could keep going on with examples, but ultimately, the point I’m getting at is, don’t complicate things, and don’t forget the basics.  Too many people get caught up in all the fine details and all of the noise polluting the health & fitness industry, so much so that the basics are ignored, and everyone has a difficult time achieving their goals.  Stuck?  Confused?  Lost?  K.I.S.S.  Everyone’s goal can be met with calories in vs. calories out, simple workout routines, and simple cardio-respiratory exercise.

Play smart, and keep it simple.

(Side note:  You may have noticed the name of the blog changed–  There are big things coming up soon for us, and we’ll be starting a new health and fitness website called “DeVine Physiques.”  Stay tuned for details!)