Positive Energy= Positive Results

Lately I have been feeling a little lack luster. Things are not moving along as quickly as I had hoped for my acting career or my body. I was getting low when Gabe reminded me that “like attracts like.”

I was astounded how easily I had forgotten this simple little message. What energy we put out is what comes back to us. If we refuse to get down when things aren’t going our way then eventually things in the environment will pick up to match our positive attitude. This is true for most everything in life, but especially for our fitness goals.

When we get low on ourselves we usually don’t push ourselves as hard as we could at the gym, we make excuses to eat all that comfort foods, and worst of all we produce too much cortisol which definitely does not help with losing fat.

The only way to change something, your body included, is to first believe that you can and then to work and work and work until you do achieve it. I am not where I want to be physically, I actually still have a ways to go, but I have come so far from where I started and if I maintain a positive outlook then not only will I continue to push myself but I will actually learn to love myself along the way. With a positive attitude I can see and acknowledge how far I have come and see how great I look while on the way to my goal.

Staying positive seems like a lot of work, but it is actually way more work to muster up happiness from a low depression. Let’s focus on the good and bring more of that into our lives and into our bodies!