Rack Your Weights

We’re sorry about the delay in posts the last two weeks–  We’re really good about keeping to our update schedule, but every so often things get in the way.

That being said, I’ve come up with a new rule:  Unless you’re Ronnie Coleman (Or any other professional bodybuilder that makes their living from bodybuilding and has assistants clean up at the gym after them), you need to rack your weights.  This morning I saw this at the gym:

I’ve seen worse, but that doesn’t make it excusable in the slightest.  I always want to ask people that don’t re rack their weights, “Why not?”  It’s very easy to put something back after you use it, and that just makes for a better environment for everyone.  I’ve seen the frustration on the face of a guy as he searched the gym for the 25 lb. dumbbells, but what shocks me is him leaving them not racked.  What!?  How does that make sense?  It obviously irked you, so why not save someone that hassle?

I won’t ask these people why they choose to make the gym a mess–  Instead, I just assume that they’re lazy, and are afraid of doing extra work.  It’s the same reason why people take weights that I’m using while I’m resting in between squat sets (That are higher up on the power rack) rather than bend down to get their own plates–  Why bend down to grab a 25 lb. plate when you can just take mine?

Another good one is the plate trees that have a spot for every increment of weight–  Yet, somehow, people think the 25s go anywhere, the 5 goes where the 35s go, and the 45s should just be rested against the tree.  That makes sense, right?  Again, there’s a spot for everything, and everyone’s workout would be a lot better if we all re racked the weights right.  (I even go as far as fixing the weights on the squat rack while I’m on it in between sets–  It makes it easier for me while I’m there, and it’s my way of “giving back.”)

A workout should not increase in intensity because you have to clean up after someone else.  Make the decision to suck less–  Rack your weights and do it properly.