About Alissa

Born and raised in Utah, a state known for its plethora of outdoor activities and family dinners, you might expect me to have grown up with healthy habits;  You would be wrong.  The youngest of 4, and the only left at home, I grew up primarily eating fast food.  My family is heavy, and I have struggled with weight for many years.

I have always had the dream to pursue acting, and at the age of 15 decided if I wanted to make it far in that industry I would need to get in shape.  I started going to the gym, but had no clue what I needed to do to actually see progress.   My real journey to fitness and health started in college when I joined the cross-country team and started eating healthier.  My diet ranged from “normal” to vegan at some points.  I came to love being physically active and healthy.  I realized that the body is an instrument that we need to treat properly–  We only have this body for a limited time and with proper care we can be healthy for a long long time.

Now, almost 5 years out of college, with some ups and downs, I am back to my college weight.  Nice part is, I don’t have to run 5-7 miles a day to stay here.  With proper nutrition and activity I am able to stay in shape and not spend hours upon hours working out every day. Along the way, I tried so many different methods to lose weight to no avail.  At one point I was only eating 1200 calories, working out 2 hours daily and didn’t lose any weight. I tried almost every diet known to man, and it wasn’t until I really did some research that I figured out the right way for my body to slim down and tone up.  Gabe and I realized through our journey into health and fitness that a lot of the necessary information and resources to help ourselves and others reach their goals were not easily accessible.

That is where this blog comes in.  We want to help you to reach your goals too, in a healthy way.  We, having opposite goals (He wants to bulk while I want to lose weight) will be able to give advice in both areas, so no matter what you are looking for you should be able to find it here. We will be sharing our thoughts on fitness routines, diets, recipes, and many other areas to give you the tools for success.  You can be healthy and happy– Trust me. . .  It takes work, but is worth it in the end.