Gabriel — A Brief History

A long time ago, in a city not so far away, I grew up a “healthy” individual.  By “healthy,” I mean I had a more than healthy appetite, and had some of the most unhealthy habits imaginable.  I would sometimes wonder why it was I was overweight, but this was usually pondered over a 2800 calorie meal with an alcoholic beverage on the side.

And then, I watched Rocky Balboa, and that changed everything–  I had decided that, if Sylvester Stallone could get into shape, I can too!  After getting in shape through a combination of extreme caloric restriction and exercise, I would eventually gain all of the weight back.  Uncomfortable at 6 feet tall, 235 pounds, and (at the time) recently unemployed, I decided to permanently change my life.  I began working out 6 days a week, and at this point in my life (2.25 years ago), had no idea about proper nutrition or training habits.  With no regard to my LBM (Lean Body Mass, a.k.a. Muscle), I began the unhealthy process of only eating 1500 calories a day while working out for more than an hour a day.  Through this less than healthy process, I was able to lose enough weight to get to a physique I was more comfortable with, and which I felt would do better for me in my future career in Hollywood.  Weighing a light 175, I eventually began an attempt at building muscle mass while still eating and training at a caloric deficit–  This was to no avail.  Over time, I amassed more knowledge and became healthier, but I was still far too slender.  While I will spare all of the minute details, we came to a point where I was 167 pounds, and only 8% body fat.  I was happy with the way I looked, but not happy enough. . .

And that is where bodybuilding entered the picture for me.  Currently at 180 and about to start my next bulk, I have studied health and fitness to the point of expertise, and would love to impart this knowledge on anyone wishing to learn.  I have come a long way, and will attain the statuesque physique that I have been chasing.

More information about me can be found on my website, as well.