Rack Your Weights

We’re sorry about the delay in posts the last two weeks–  We’re really good about keeping to our update schedule, but every so often things get in the way. That being said, I’ve come up with a new rule:  Unless you’re Ronnie Coleman (Or any other professional bodybuilder that makes their living from bodybuilding and…

New and Improved HIIT

Once upon a time, we discussed HIIT–  High Intensity Interval Training.  We discussed why it’s so great, and different ideas for a HIIT routine. Since then we have learned a lot more, and have discovered a fantastic HIIT routine that I would call a definite a** kicker;  I would also call it the most effective…

Naturally Increase Testosterone Levels

Testosterone is a hormone that all bodybuilders strive to elevate, and keep elevated.  Testosterone is 100% necessary to build and maintain muscle mass, whereas it’s counterpart Estrogen can, and will, prevent the development of muscle mass.  In the broadest terms possible, hormonally, men are dominated by Testosterone, and women are dominated by Estrogen.  There are…

The New Year

No long post today, just a few pointers for the start to 2013 regarding New Year Resolutions. If you’re a regular gym goer, be patient.  Every year, the month of January turns the gym into a mad house;  What’s especially frustrating is watching people take up equipment and knowing that you’ll only see them during…

The Importance of Dietary Fat

The title of this post may seem counter intuitive to what you’ve heard, but most of what you’re told is actually wrong when it comes to dietary fat.  It’s worth noting that we’ve been planning on writing this article for sometime, but what made it a reality was this article, which we will refute at…